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Posts Tagged ‘Communication’

She Said audio book launch date!

Patricia’s been working hard on the audio version of She Said and we’re excited to announce that it will be available from April 28th on Amazon!  Perfect listening for long summer walks.

Communication, public speaking, women, women being heard, women speaking,
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Why do women struggle with speaking up?

If you struggle with speaking up in meetings, video calls or groups, have you ever stopped to ask yourself why?  Patricia’s article offers some answers to those questions and gives some top tips on how to get your voice heard. Tips to speaking up more in meetings

Communication, speaking, women,
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Why all women can benefit from improving their effectiveness in speaking in public

The critical missing component hindering women’s success is for them to choose their opportunities wisely, and proactively and concisely speak their contributions, without apology or conditions, so that they may be listened to and credited for their contributions in critical discussions. Whether they are speaking in public at a PTA meeting, making a corporate presentation, participating or […]

Communication, Millenials, public speaking, speaking, women,
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History repeating itself

Millennial women are making the same mistake as older generations, in assuming that the workplace is a level playing field. It isn’t. The figures on women’s representation in the boardroom and in politics along with the gender pay gap reveal this very clearly. Women’s ability to speak out to influence is critical to progress, and […]

Communication, public speaking, women,
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Imposter Syndrome – what it is and how to overcome

The Imposter Syndrome You’re about to deliver a speech. In the lead up to delivering your speech or presentation have you ever felt any of the following:- What am I doing here? I am way out of my depth I don’t deserve to be here They already know what I know; I’m going to embarrass […]

Communication, imposter syndrome, public speaking, women,
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How to grab audience attention!

I went to a Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce, Women in Business lunch recently with a great speaker, Helen Webb. She is a former MD of lastminute.com. Her brief for after lunch speaking slot (never the easiest!) was to tell us about herself and share some of her insights and advice. Despite her high profile, like […]

Communication, public speaking, women,
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Jeremy Corbyn’s Conference Address – September 2018

Taking aside any views on the content of Corby’s speech lets look at how he did from a public speaking perspective. Introduction; As he entered, he greeted his shadow cabinet warmly and has perfected the classic poses of US politicians of waving and pointing to members of the audience and acknowledging them in time honoured […]

Communication, public speaking,
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Millennials – why we need to work differently with them.

We keep hearing about Millennials and how they are so different from previous generations, but why does this matter to us? Probably because lack of understanding of this generation can cause problems in how to manage them and how teach and develop them. If you’re a non-millennial manager, consultant, or trainer this is for you! […]

Communication, Generation Y, Millenials, Training,
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Presenting - why you need to give it more time and attention!

She Said audio book launch date!

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Speak Up – Radio 4

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