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Posts Tagged ‘speaking’

Why do women struggle with speaking up?

If you struggle with speaking up in meetings, video calls or groups, have you ever stopped to ask yourself why?  Patricia’s article offers some answers to those questions and gives some top tips on how to get your voice heard. Tips to speaking up more in meetings

Communication, speaking, women,
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Why all women can benefit from improving their effectiveness in speaking in public

The critical missing component hindering women’s success is for them to choose their opportunities wisely, and proactively and concisely speak their contributions, without apology or conditions, so that they may be listened to and credited for their contributions in critical discussions. Whether they are speaking in public at a PTA meeting, making a corporate presentation, participating or […]

Communication, Millenials, public speaking, speaking, women,
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The broken rung

Equal numbers of men and women get qualifications and enter the workplace but by the time we look at a few steps on from the entry level roles, for example at director level, it is 65% men 35% women, by C-Suite level men make up 78%. Why is that still the case?  One big reason […]

Millenials, presentation, public speaking, speaking, women,
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Black lives matter, but what should change?

As someone from the business world writing about women being heard it made me think. The protests that have been peaceful have been amazing in raising awareness and because of it, so many people are saying yes, we must change but beyond posting pronouncements what can people actually do? What can you do? Practically? Day to […]

black lives matter, speaking, women,
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Presenting - why you need to give it more time and attention!

Why do women struggle with speaking up?

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Speak Up – Radio 4

Speak Up – Radio 4

Speak Up -The BBC Radio 4 programme with Mary Ann Sieghart aired recently and I was...

9 Aug 2021
Strong OR Compassionate – the binary choice for leadership?

Strong OR Compassionate – the binary choice for leadership?

“One of the criticisms I’ve faced over the years is that I’m not aggressive or assertive...

10 Jun 2021